Make your own tea from your plants
Fresh green tea leaves, with all of their health benefits, are yours for the picking all year long. Green Tea is easily grown in a pot and brought in during the winter. Tea shrubs can grow to 30 feet, but are usually kept to 4-5 feet for ease of harvesting. They can also be grown as a hedge or as an espalier up against a garden wall.
Native to China, Camellia Sinensis is the source of the world's most popular caffeine drink: the tea plant is an evergreen shrub or small tree with glossy dark green elliptic leaves. Tea plants bloom in the autumn with fragrant, nodding cup shaped flowers about (2.5 cm) wide, with seven or eight white petals.
Many factors affect the taste of tea leaves such as the variety, the climate, the time of year and even the side of the mountain it is grown on. Experienced tea tasters can detect these differences and blend different batches of tea leaves to create specific kinds of tea. We hope you have fun growing and making tea.
Officinal properties
Green tea has been shown to improve blood flow and lower cholesterol. A 2013 review of many studies found green tea helped prevent a range of heart-related issues, from high blood pressure to congestive heart failure. What’s good for the heart is usually good for the brain; your brain needs healthy blood vessels, too. In one Swiss study, MRIs revealed that people who drank green tea had greater activity in the working-memory area of their brains. Green tea has also been shown to help block the formation of plaques that are linked to Alzheimer's disease.
Green tea seems to help keep blood sugar stable in people with diabetes. Because Catechins (natural anti-bacterial
substance derived from tea leaves ) lower cholesterol and blood pressure, they can help protect against the damage a high-fat diet can cause.
Cultivation and Growing Information
Tea seeds are relatively easy to grow. If you are not planting right away, store the tea seeds in a refrigerator. Tea seeds left at room temperature will rapidly loose moisture and become less viable.
Teas grow well in warm, humid environments, so if you reside in an area that gets cool weather in the Winter and you are planning on growing outdoors you'll need to move them inside during times of cold temperatures. If you have, or can set up a green house area, where you can control the temperature, moisture and light you should have no problem at all with the growing process regardless of the climate in your region.
Germination may take up to six to eight weeks, and as the plants first begin to grow it's important that they have some shade and aren't overexposed to the sun to ensure that the young plants don't dry out. As your plants begin to develop and its roots become stronger, you can gradually allow them to be exposed to more and more full sunlight. If you are growing in a controlled environment, twelve hours of light per day.
Taking a tea seed, creating the perfect environment for germination and nurturing it into a full grown plant that can produce tea for you to drink is an incredible feeling.
Seeding: February-March
Blooming: January-December
Guaranteed quality: Sementi Dotto seeds
Sementi Dotto was founded in 1963 as a family-run farm specialized in the field of vegetable seeds and gardening products. SEMENTI DOTTO is present in the hobby sector with a wide range of products for gardening care and with a complete line of products for small pets. In addition, since Sementi Dotto is always heedful to changing market conditions and environmental sensitivity, with “L’Orto Biologico” line it also offers a wide range of vegetable seeds and seeds for sprouts obtained exclusively from organic farming which include the use of agricultural adjuvants not harmful to the environment.
The primary objective of the company is to achieve total quality, entering the market with high-grade products, advanced packaging, cutting-edge logistics services, promotional activities, careful and qualified customer service, efficient internal processes, maintaining the balance of a large organization without sacrificing the traditional quality values for which it is famous.
Net weight sachet: 4gr
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