Hydroponic Tools For Indoor Growing

Calculate the electrical costs, fan capacity and co2 in indoor cultivation

Tools for indoor cultivation. In this section you will find a series of tools which allow you to calculate and simplify the set-up of your grow box/grow room.

How to choose the extractor fan

If you don’t know how to choose your extractor fan and you want to know the sum of cubic meters(quantity of meters cubed of air) and number of air exchanges needed for a correct air extraction cycle, you’re in the right place!

With our simple tool you can find in a few clicks the characteristics of your extraction kit for forced ventilation and choose the extractor fan to meet your needs from the vast selection of models.

How to calculate the electrical costs of indoor lamps

We have created a free “tool” to calculate the electricity bill on the basis of the consumption of the indoor lamp which you are interested in and we have made it available for every online user.

CO2 in the grow room, calculate the ideal amount of CO2

This tool calculates the ideal amount of CO2 for a grow room or grow box. All sums are in meters and their fractions.

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