Mixture of red and yellow picking lettuce varieties
A salad vegetable in a huge array of varieties. When early, main, and late crops are used it is possible to have lettuce all year round.
Sow early crops under glass and then plant out under cloches. Main and late crops can be sown directly into the ground at a depth of 1cm and 20-30cm apart. Late crops should be protected under cloches.
Pruning & Thining
Thin as required
Pick loose leaf lettuce as and when required. Pick leaves from different plants so they can continue growing. Heart lettuce can be harvested when the heart is firm.
Moon Planting Type: Leafy
Soil Type: Any Soil
Aspect: Any aspect
Light: Full Sun
Hardiness: Heated greenhouse
Moisture: Well-drained
pH: Neutral (6.6 - 7.3)
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- Easy to use
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