Traditional Rummy game
Enjoy one of the most popular card games.
Rummy Dal Negro cards are resistant and plasticized
particularly appreciated by professionals from all over the world.
- They last longer
- Water resistant
- Rummy - Poker - Scale 40
- 55 + 55 cards
Available in the following variants:
- 900 (64x90mm)
- Aeroclub (63x88mm)
- Cavallino Oro (64x90mm)
- Floral (65x91mm)
- NTP (65x91mm)
- San Siro (63x88mm)
- St. Moritz Extra (63x88mm
- Torcello (63x88mm)
Fun guaranteed!
Recensioni per Ramino 900 Plastica - Dal Negro
- Overall opinion
- Product quality
- Easy to use
- Expected results
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