Purolyt Disinfectant 1L

  • PRODUCT: 53654
€ 39,50
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Antimicrobial effect

Puro­lyt is a dis­in­fect­ant con­cen­trate which is used in pro­fes­sion­al hy­giene man­age­ment for dis­in­fec­tion of sur­faces, equip­ment/tools, wa­ter/li­quids and air.
De­veloped and pro­duced in Ger­many. Puro­lyt is pro­duced re­source-friendly in an elec­tro­chem­ic­al pro­cess from wa­ter + salt + elec­tri­city. Noth­ing else! Puro­lyt can be ap­plied in a di­lu­tion by spray­ing, fog­ging, wip­ing, im­mer­sion or by dir­ect ad­di­tion to wa­ter/li­quids. For de­tailed in­form­a­tion, please refer to the op­er­at­ing in­struc­tions.

- Creates safe conditions for a constant and successful production
- Downtimes and losses can be minimized
- Working time and effort are saved

Special features:
- It does not form harmful residues as the active ingredients degrade back into water and traces of salt
- Due its mechanism of action microorganisms cannot develop resistances
- FREE from additives like tensides, phosphates, formaldehydes, alcohols, silver ions, fragrances or colorants

Principles of operation
Puro­lyt's prin­ciple of op­er­a­tion is sim­il­ar to the way the hu­man body fights off bac­teria and vir­uses. When the im­mune sys­tem de­tects a threat, white blood cells are ac­tiv­ated which cre­ate an an­ti­mi­cro­bi­al sub­stance called hy­po­chlor­ous acid (HOCL). HOCL is also the act­ive in­gredi­ent in Puro­lyt. It is sci­en­tific­ally proven that HOCL has ex­tremely ef­fi­cient dis­in­fect­ing prop­er­ties.

Antimicrobial effect
Puro­lyt ef­fect­ively des­troys bac­teria, fungi, vir­uses and al­gae and suc­cess­fully pre­vents the emer­gence of biofilms in ir­rig­a­tion sys­tems.
Es­cheri­chia coli - Sal­mon­ella Typh­imuri­um - Sta­phyl­o­coc­cus aure­us - Py­thi­um spp. / Phytoph­thora spp. (Root Rot) - Botryt­is cinerea (Gray Mold) - Per­o­no­spor­aceae (Downy Mil­dew) - Ery­siphaceae (Powdery Mil­dew)
Use disinfectants safely. Always read the label and product information before use.


Manufacturer Purolyt

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