8gr BOVEDA B58 keeps the relative humidity (RH) stable inside the stored products. This technology that has revolutionized the storage of cigars, food, music and electronic products is now available for the storage of herbal and medicinal herbs
The patented Boveda packages inserted inside the container keep the relative humidity stable and if necessary add or absorb humidity in order to keep the content constant at the value of 58% (+/- 1%).
Boveda permette di conservare le essenze per lunghissimo tempo senza modificarne le proprietà e impedendo la formazione di muffe.
The right moisture content maximizes color, flavor, aroma, effectiveness as well as stabilizing the weight of your herbal and medicinal herbs.
What's Inside Boveda 58%?
Inside each Boveda there is a "reverse osmosis" membrane permeable to water vapor. Inside that membrane is a specially prepared saturated solution of pure water and natural salt. If necessary, Boveda releases or absorbs purified water vapor across the membrane to maintain a predetermined level of (RH).
Main Features Boveda 58%: